
Executive Compensation & Benefit Strategies

Executive Compensation Strategies
Executive Benefits Strategies

Grand Rapids-based Executive Compensation & Benefit Strategies 

We’ve seen it, we do it. Lean on us.

As a corporate executive, your busy professional life may leave little time to plan for your own financial future. Our executive compensation and benefits strategies can help ensure your workplace benefits are working alongside your overall financial plan to achieve your goals. We help determine the potential impact various benefits decisions may have on your investment portfolio, retirement assets, tax planning strategy, Social Security benefits and more.

  • ISO’s, NSO’s, Founders Equity. RSU’s, PSU’s, Rule 10b5-1 trading plan, cash balance, deferred compensation
  • Optimizing your savings, investments and benefits strategies while helping to minimize your risk and tax liabilities
  • Developing a strategy that helps maximize value, minimize risk and meet your long-term goals, while also navigating holding requirements and trading windows
  • Simplifying your financial life by providing focused, custom advice to help streamline your financial decisions

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