Investment Management
Customized portfolios, for your unique life
At Hill Island Financial, we believe there’s more to investing than chasing the highest possible returns. While investment performance is important*, it’s just one piece of a much larger puzzle. That is why we work to ensure your investments are working as part of your financial plan to help you achieve your goals.
We design an investment strategy that is in line with your liquidity needs, risk tolerance, legacy goals, values, investment timeframe and income/growth objectives. With your goals as a guide, our approach to wealth management involves developing a low-cost, diversified portfolio to meet your financial needs.
- Investment selection
- Asset allocation
- Tax-efficient investment strategies and tax-loss harvesting
- Ongoing monitoring
* Past performance does not guarantee future results and cannot predict how any investment or investment strategy will perform in the future.
We Are Independent, We Are a Fiduciary
We Make Money, When You Make Money
Based on each client’s unique needs and circumstances, we look to incorporate a wide range of asset classes, as appropriate, including cash, fixed income, equities and alternatives. Because we take an open architecture approach to investing, we are able to utilize multiple asset managers and a variety of vehicle types, such as individual securities, mutual funds, exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and separately managed accounts.
At Hill Island Financial, we also consider environmental, social and governance (ESG) strategies to help ensure your investments are in line with your values. We want you to feel good about the impact you’re making on your family and the issues that are important to you.
Our team monitors and adjusts your portfolio on a regular basis to help ensure it continues to meet the needs of your ever-evolving life.
As an independent investment advisor, we have no parent company, joint ventures or affiliations. That means we have no sales quotas or incentives to sell certain investment products. Instead, we take an objective, open architecture approach to constructing your portfolio, with access to a wide range of investment managers and solutions.
Financial Advisors
Our goals are aligned—when you succeed, we succeed. As fee-only financial advisors, your best interest is our only priority.
Why work with Hill Island Financial?
The answer is simple – We put your best interests at the center of all we do
Fiduciary – As a fiduciary advisory firm, we are legally bound to put your best interest first, at all times and in all situations. We take a comprehensive approach to guiding all aspects of your financial life by taking into account your current situation and any challenges you may face. When you work with us, you can be confident that you are receiving trusted advice specifically designed to help you achieve your dreams.
Independent – Hill Island Financial is an independent registered advisory firm. We have no parent company, joint ventures or affiliations. What does that mean for you? It means absolutely no product commission or sales quotas. It means we are free to recommend investments and solutions based solely on your specific needs.
Fee based – As a fee-only advisory firm, we sit on the same side of the table as you. We charge a percentage fee based on the assets we manage on your behalf, which aligns our interest with yours. Unlike many brokers who charge product commissions and transaction-based fees, our fee-only approach means that we are incentivized to grow your investment portfolio over the long term. Put simply, we succeed when you succeed.
It’s not what you make, it’s what you keep.
Kevin Toler, CRPC®, APMA®
Partner & Private Wealth Advisor.
How can we help?
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